



在21世纪初, the 华盛顿州惩教署 (WADOC) engaged in 2 workload evaluations with the aim of identifying key tasks associated with community corrections work and the time to complete such tasks and used these data to inform the amount of resources needed to carry out the responsibilities of the Community Corrections Division (CCD).

15年后, the WADOC sought to replicate this research to update and consider advancements in practice, including those implemented and pending from the Individualized Community Oriented Accountability Collaborative Help (iCoach) model, 重新评估人员需求. 为了促进这个过程, WADOC选择趣赢平台进行更新, 全面评估执行CCD职责的工作人员的工作量. The project team used the following research questions to help guide the overall workload assessment:

  • 员工最常执行的任务/活动是什么?
  • 与这些任务/活动相关的时间有多少?
  • 是否有可识别的任务,员工报告牺牲质量以换取及时性?
  • Are the current staffing levels sufficient given the changes in practice in recent years?
  • 员工完成任务的辅助因素是什么?


The 趣赢平台 team used a methodology consistent with the literature to conduct the comprehensive workload assessment, 它可以概括为5个关键阶段.

  1. An advisory committee and various subcommittees were formed at the beginning of the project to drive staffing allocation decisions. 成立了十个小组委员会,每个小组委员会代表一种特定的工作人员类型. The research team met with the subcommittees over several weeks in order to understand the various work activities across all occupational groups.
  2. A task analysis was completed to identify an exhaustive list of activities performed by staff that impact the CCD workload. This was a crucial step in order to develop the study instrument used to collect data from staff participants.
  3. A time-and-motion study was then conducted over a 4-week period in which the staff participants documented their workdays according to the amount of time spent on activities. Other contextual factors about the activities were also collected in the web-based instrument. The 趣赢平台 team developed a unique web-based instrument primarily used to collect data as part of the time-and-motion study, but it also kept other resources about the overall assessment for staff participants to access at any point. 工作人员参与者使用唯一的研究ID和密码访问仪器.
  4. An adequacy-of-time web survey was administered to staff participants to help provide additional insight into systemic organizational shortfalls. This survey was administered to only staff who participated in the time-and-motion study. 它允许工作人员提供他们对各种事项的看法, 包括他们是否有足够的时间完成日常工作活动, 与完成这些活动相关的挑战, 角色压力, 工作满意度, 职业环境.
  5. Workload models were produced from the input data derived from the time-and-motion study to compute staffing need estimates across the various occupational groups. 趣赢平台团队根据WADOC的首选项定制了这些模型. Other administrative data provided by CCD were included in the models as well to determine staffing need estimates.


所有工作人员最常见的两项分类活动是行政和个案工作. 平均, each occurrence of an administrative or casework activity took 40 to 45 minutes altogether, 其中大约25分钟的时间用于实际执行活动.

Nearly half of the activities related to the risk-to-reoffend levels of supervised individuals involved persons assessed at the 2 highest levels—high, violent felony; and high, violent, 财产及毒品重罪. Activities involving those supervised individuals also took the most time to perform, on average.

在所有记录在案的活动中,70%的工作人员参与者没有感觉到任何挑战. 那些被注意到的, 最常见的挑战是相互竞争的责任, 各种各样的干扰, 人手不足. What remains to be seen is whether the occurrence of these challenges is disproportional to certain physical areas of the state or involving specific types of supervised individuals.

There were not any statistically differences between CCD Sections among Community Corrections Officers (CCOs) attitudes toward these scales on the adequacy-of-time survey. However, cco的态度差异有统计学意义, 监事, 支持人员, 然后记录这些刻度. Overall, CCOs and 监事 were often significantly more likely to possess more negative attitudes than records or 支持人员 in terms of stress, 工作满意度, 角色冲突, 角色模糊, 超负荷工作.

Finally, staffing need estimates generated from the workload models indicated nearly 200 additional staff are needed across the occupational groups to meet the CCD workload. Nearly 2/3 (65%) of the additional staff are needed between the 3 case management groups, 哪些主要处理与受监管个人有关的活动. 认识到这些模型是基于各种输入的估计是很重要的, 比如受监管个体的人口数量, 这些估计包括了实际调整,以确保其准确性.








